The Sony PlayStation 3 was released in 2005. It was preceded by the PlayStation 2 and succeeded by the PlayStation 4. |
Point-and-Click Adventure. A magical plague is taking over the human world. Work together again to stop it. |
Choices and Consequences Game Telltale adapts the hit HBO series based on a series of novels into an episodic game. |
Choices and Consequences Game. Telltale made an episodic adaptation of the hit videogame series by Gearbox. |
Choices and Consequences Game. Telltale's adventure set in the world of The Walking Dead comics continues. |
Choices and Consequences Game. Classic fables are in the modern era in Telltale's adaptation of the popular comic book series. |
Puzzle Platform Game. Ron Gilbert's return to adventure games has you choose three character types to explore the mysterious cave. |
Point-and-Click Adventure. Captain Morgane proves herself as captain, assembles a crew, and sails to several islands for treasure. |
High-definition Edition of an Action RPG. Kazuma Kiryu discovers a conspiracy involving the daughter of his crush and one billion yen. |
High-definition Edition of an Action RPG. Kiryu and a detective named Sayama uncover a conspiracy regarding the Jingweon mafia massacre. |
Choices and Consequences Game. Beware of the Walking Dead in Telltale's adaptation of the popular comic book and novel series. |
Direct Controlled Adventure. The episodic time-traveling adventures of the cast from the Back to the Future movies. |
Action-Adventure Game. Venture into Jurassic Park in this episodic adventure series by Telltale Games. |
Third-Person Shooter. When zombies attack Tokyo, Kiryu, Majima, Akiyama, and Ryuji Goda are Kamurocho's only hope. |
Puzzle Game. An FBI agent must solve puzzles to uncover the truth behind the closing of an eraser factory. |
Musical Rhythm Game. Space Chanel 5 reporter Ulala and her friends dance to save people and defeat enemies. |
Puzzle Game. A Russian nesting doll must go inside other nesting dolls to use their abilities and gain access to new places. |
Direct-Controlled Puzzle Adventure. DLC has you restore the Hobo kingdom by re-forging the Lost Hobo King's Crown. |
Point-and-Click Adventure. As a CSI in Las Vegas, solve five cases that all connect to an over-arching crime. |
Point-and-Click Adventure. LucasArts' special edition of the second Monkey Island with high-definition art, music, and voiceovers. |
Direct Controlled Adventure. Telltale Games' episodic adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police continue with more crazy cases. |
Point-and-Click Adventure. A re-imagined version of the original Monkey Island with new high-definition art, music, and voiceovers. |
Point-and-Click Adventure. Telltale and Videlectrix show the Homestar Runner universe through the eyes of Strong Bad. |
Direct Controlled Adventure. Guybrush tries to defeat LeChuck, and ends up cursing the entire Caribbean. |