Doctor Who: The Adventure Games

Sumo Digital brought the popular long-running BBC science fiction series Doctor Who to the PC with four interactive episodes.

The Doctor travels to Kaalaan, the capital city of his arch-enemy, the Daleks.
Released: UK PC 6/2/10, UK Mac 6/15/10, Worldwide PC 7/24/10
The Doctor travels to the arctic, where the cybermen are converting archeologists into cyberslaves.
Released: UK PC 6/26/10, UK Mac 6/30/10, Worldwide PC 7/24/10
The Doctor and Amy must solve a mystery in an adventure that takes place entirely in the TARDIS.
Released: PC 8/27/10, UK Mac 8/27/10
The Doctor and Amy's interactive adventures conclude in a Christmas themed episode.
Released: PC 12/22/10, UK Mac 12/22/10