Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Walking Dead Episode 3 and iOS Episode 2 Out

The Walking Dead Episode 3: Long Road Ahead is out now on PC, Mac, XBLA, and PSN. The Walking Dead Episode 2 is finally out on iOS as well.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Broken Sword 5 on Kickstarter

Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse is the latest adventure game to make the paces through the kickstarter crowd sourcing trend.

 This game is a return to the 2D roots of the series, albeit with a new graphical style. It is being developed by Charles Cecil at Revolution, the creators of the Broken Sword series, and will star the original voice actor for George Stobbart, Rolf Saxon.

 They are seeking $400,000 in funding, and are half way there at the time of this writing. If you're a fan of the series, or just like backing adventure games by adventure game veterans, then pick a tier and pledge your support.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Unique Musical Stop Motion Adventure On Indiegogo

Dominique Pamplemousse in "It's All Over Once the Fat Lady Sings!" is a unique musical (with singing!) detective adventure game using stop motion animation by Deidra Kiai, who worked on Ron Gilbert's Deathspank and was formerly an intern at Telltale Games. It is currently on Indiegogo (a service akin to kickstarter) to fund it, and the goal amount is only $9,500 (it's just under 50% funded at the time of this writing).

A demo of the game available in flash is available if you wish to try it to see what the gameplay and music will be like.