Friday, December 11, 2009

Wadjet Eye Games Holiday Sale

Independent adventure game developer Wadjet Eye Games is offering 50% off select titles and donating a portion of all sales to the Get-Well Gamers Foundation (, a California-based public charity dedicated to bringing electronic entertainment to children in healthcare facilities.

All of Wadget Eye Games adventures are included in the deal, but the 50% off coupon can't be used in conjunction with the Blackwell Bundle. The offer also includes some third-party games.

In order to save 50% on select titles, make sure to type the promotional code “HOLIDAY” when prompted.

In site news, you'll notice that the site name has changed again, this time to The Adventuress. I've been adding non-LucasArts inspired companies to the site, so I decided it was time for a change in scope. I enjoy adventures in general, and not just LucasArts adventures, so I thought this was a good change. :)

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