Wednesday, February 24, 1999

Font Change

Rottingbeef suggested on IRC the other day I shouldn't use the dango font so much on my site because it is hard to read sometimes. So I decided to use Comic Sans MS instead. It is alot easier to read this way. Hope you like it.

Tuesday, February 23, 1999

Sorry for the long time between updates

GFN has moved to Adventure Gamer, and I was waiting for the switch to update. As you can see, there are more characters to the left than before. Since they are Icon-sized, I will be making an Icon set and a desktop theme as soon as I get them all done.

Saturday, February 13, 1999

Grand Opening

Welcome to the Mega Monkey Maniac Mansion Page. You are one of the people to put the hamster in the microwave since February 13, 1999.

Friday, February 12, 1999

I have decided to finally get the Mega Monkey pages to where I wanted them to be in the first place

A complete coverage of ALL LucasArts Adventure games.
Not just a few pictures, reviews, and downloads; complete fan pages for each of the games.
AND I plan to update them regularly. How can I do this you ask? I have no life :).
For now there are two Mega Monkey Sites Up:
The Skolarian Device - Zak McKracken
Cafe Calavera - Grim Fandango

Wednesday, February 10, 1999

2 new In-Jokes added

Message Board fixed. Go ahead and post.
I added a counter!

More Content Added to Cafe Calavera

New Mistakes and In-jokes have been added. Plus, I added a link to SCUMM!

Tuesday, February 9, 1999

Welcome to the Grand opening of The Skolarian Device!

I made a Zak McKracken Desktop Theme! Go to the downloads section to get it!

Saturday, February 6, 1999

New Additions to Mega Monkey

2 Desktop themes, the new version of the dango font, plus MP3s have been added to the Downloads page. I am getting my other Mega Monkey Sites back up as well: The Zak McKracken page is back up, with a new name and a strangely familiar design: Come visit The Skolarian Device!

Cafe Calavera Has a New Home at Grim Fandango Network

Welcome to Cafe Calavera’s new home at GFN! A screenshots Section and more downloads will be added soon.